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  • Zizinului 119, Brasov, Romania
  • 0729.028.439

BADS Romania

Chemical and raw material distributor since 1994. 

We offer efficient solutions for your business, taking care of the environment   as priority.

Contact us now Who we are

Our mission

High quality products, fair prices
and complete logistics solutions.


One of the secrets of our business is the constancy in high quality level of our products and services.

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We deliver directly from our warehouses, anywhere in Romania, in maximum 48 hours.

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Having the skills and experience to solve any challenge, our client portfolio has been constantly enriched, without losing any of them over time.

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Who we are

BADS, The Recipe for Success of a Company with Romanian Capital, Founded in 1994.

We are specialized in the sale and distribution of snow removal products, chemicals and raw materials for industry. The company owns a collection of vehicles completely equipped according to ADR transport, as well as qualified personnel, being able to satisfy the needs of each customer.

  • Company history

    B.A.D.S. Brasov is a company with fully Romanian capital founded in 1994.

  • Our successful mission

    Our mission is to offer high quality products at fair prices, as well as complete logistics solutions!

About us


satisfied clients


years of experience in the field


tons of products delivered annually


nonconformity reports

Our strengths

BADS Romania means

Safety and professionalism

We show special care and responsibility towards the work environment. Our staff is permanently involved in professional training and ADR (Authority for the Digitalization of Romania) training.



Our company holds the following certifications: ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, SQAS (chlorinated solvents), environmental authorization, ADR transport license.

Sales Advisory

Our sales consultants are trained to find the most efficient and cost-effective solutions for your business.


Lates articles

Tipuri de dezinfectanti
Cazacioc Camelia 5.11.2021

Tipuri de dezinfectanti

Types of disinfectants Almost everywhere around us we find bacteria and microorganisms. They represent the most numerous life forms on the planet. We may find them on different surfaces, objects, in  [..]

Soda caustica (hidroxid de sodiu) – ajutor in gospodarie sau ingredient principal in industrie?
Cazacioc Camelia 5.11.2021

Soda caustica (hidroxid de sodiu) – ajutor in gospodarie sau ingredient principal in industrie?

Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) – used in household products or main ingredient in the industry?   Sodium hydroxide (also called caustic soda or lye) is a solid, white, inorganic base wit [..]

Legile din Romania cu privire la deszapezire
Andrei Dediu 13.10.2021

Legile din Romania cu privire la deszapezire

Romanian laws regarding snow removal   In each big city in Romania citizens are obliged, by decisions of the Local Council, to clear the snow in front of their house, building or company headqu [..]


Frequently asked questions

In this section you will find all necessary informations about using our website and our products.

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